Pro Bono Resources

Before submitting a grant application

Please take a few minutes to look through our compilation of Pro Bono Resources. Many past grant recipients have made their electronic materials available to organizations providing pro bono legal services. The following information may aid you in your mission to provide bankruptcy assistance to low income debtors.

Note: The American College of Bankruptcy does not review the below materials for outdated or erroneous information, and you should discuss any such issues with the originating organization. The information contained below has been supplied by our grantees and should not be considered an endorsement of their services or of the services of any vendors or third parties referenced in such materials. 


Pamphlets & Guides

  • The ABA Fund for Justice and Education created a primer for Guiding People Through Bankruptcy
  • California Western Community Law Project developed a presentation on Consumer Protection and Scams
  • City Bar Justice Center of New York has created materials on whether Personal Bankrutpcy Is Right for You 
  • City Bar Justice Center of New York has created materials for gaining a Fresh Start after Bankruptcy:
  • Emergency Legal Responders created a Bankruptcy Disaster Need Timeline found here.
  • Veterans Legal Services produced a document showing Potential Income Sources for Military Servicemembers and Veterans
  • Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service produced a fact sheet on reverse mortgages, found here.
  • Below are several pro bono resources used from the Equal Justice 2022 Conference, where several Fellows from the American College of Bankruptcy presented panels on pro bono programs:
    • Click here for a comprehensive listing of Pro Bono Program Resources as of May 2022
    • Click here for a listing of Pro Bono Delivery Models
    • Click here for "What's New In Bankruptcy and Why it Matters"
    • Click here for Jim Baillie's article on "Bankruptcy Lawyers, Bankruptcy Judges, and Public Service"
  • Click here and search the many listings under City Bar Justice Center's Resources for information ranging from personal bankruptcy to understanding reaffirmation agreements to fresh starts after a natural disaster.
  • The Law Project/Chicago Lawyer's Committee produced the Guide for Non-Profit Organizations: Bankruptcy Issues which can be accessed by clicking here.
  • Montana Legal Services Association produced a two-page PDF pamphlet giving a brief overview on the forms of bankruptcy.  The pamphlet advises on the effects and considerations surrounding bankruptcy proceedings.
  • The Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland’s Bankruptcy Help in Maryland, lists consumer bankruptcy information and links to helpful guides and videos.
  • The United States Bankruptcy Court Middle District of Florida's Bankruptcy Basics (guide) is designed to provide basic information to debtors, creditors, the media, and the general public on different aspects of the federal bankruptcy laws. It also provides individuals who maybe considering bankruptcy with a basic explanation of the different chapters under which a bankruptcy case may be filed and to answer some common questions about the bankruptcy process.


  • The Boston Bar Association developed the following presentation on financial literacy, targeted to high schoolers. Click here to view the PowerPoint.
  • Credit Abuse Resistance Education volunteers use educational materials developed by experts in personal finance. The materials comply with the National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education adopted by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. The presentations are approximately 45 minutes in length and include Extension Activities for students and teachers.
  • The Pro Bono Bankruptcy Training Program Materials on the National Consumer Law Center's website are intended to help pro bono programs, legal services programs, local bar associations, and other organizations provide high-quality trainings for volunteer attorneys on representing consumers in bankruptcy cases. The materials are provided free of charge, subject to acceptance of the terms of use.  There is a Training Manual for each of four modules. The Manuals can be provided to volunteer attorney training participants as the printed or electronic course material that accompany the training event. They should be suitable for obtaining continuing legal education (CLE) credit course approval in most states. There is a PowerPoint Presentation for each module, which include presentation notes provided for trainers. The four modules are: Module 1 - Bankruptcy Overview; Module 2 - Pre-Filing Considerations; Module 3 – Preparing The Bankruptcy Schedules; Module 4 – Getting To Discharge: Steps After The Case Is Filed.

Online Resources

  • The DC Bar Pro Bono Center links to, which provides free information on nearly all areas of the law.  Click here to view a wide variety of bankruptcy resources, including information produced by the U.S. Trustee Program, DC Department of Employment Services, the Federal Trade Commission, and the DC Bar Pro Bono Center.
  • Legal Aid Services of Oregon links to, which provides free information on nearly all areas of the law.  Click here to view a wide variety of bankruptcy resources, including videos produced by the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts as well as PDF documents produced by the Oregon State Bar, the National Consumer Law Center, and Legal Aid Services of Oregon.  They have also made their Debtor Creditor Pro Bono Clinic outline available for review.
  • Legal Assistance of Western New York provides introductory information and a general overview of bankruptcy on its bankruptcy webpage.  The article provides information on what debts will and will not be discharged in bankruptcy, what the various forms of bankruptcy are, and what properties may be exempted from bankruptcy, among other topics.
  • Neighborhood Legal Services Association’s Legal Resources tab contains consumer information specific to the bankruptcy field as well as a link to, which has resources about bankruptcy issues in Pennsylvania.  The Resources tab also contains Self-Help (Pro Se) materials.
  • South Carolina Legal Services' website links to, which provides free information on nearly all areas od the law. Click here to view a wide variety of bankruptcy resources, including videos produced by the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts as well as PDF documents produced by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the South Carolina Bar Association.
  • The Pro Bono Project links to, which provides free information on nearly all areas of the law. Click here to view a wide variety of bankruptcy resources, including videos produced by the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts as well as PDF documents produced by the State of Louisiana, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the LA State Bar Association, and the Federal Trade Commission.
  • Volunteer Lawyers Network's website links to, which provides free information on nearly all areas of the law. Click here to view a wide variety of bankruptcy resources provided by the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, the Federal Trade Commission, Legal Services State Support, and the Farmers’ Legal Action Group.

Page last updated March 4, 2025