Michael J. Reilly
Senior Counsel (Retired)
Hartford, CT 06103
Tel: 860 930 3118
University of Connecticut, B.A. (1973); J.D. (1976)
Professional Career
Co-Head, Financial Restructuring Practice, Bingham McCutchen LLP (combined with Morgan Lewis 2014) (1999-2014)
Managing Partner, Hebb & Gitlin (merged with Bingham Dana 1999) (1997-99)
Co-Head, Insolvency Practice, Hebb & Gitlin (1990-97)
American College of Investment Counsel, Fellow
American Bar Association, Business Law Section
Connecticut Bar Association, Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section
"Bankruptcy Analysis of a Financially Troubled Electric Utility," 59 Am. Bankr. L.J. 135 (1985); 22 Hous. L. Rev. 965 1985 Co-author
Frequent lecturer on workout and bankruptcy topics for bar, professional organizations, and private seminar groups.