K. John Shaffer
Current Position
Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
865 S. Figueroa Street
10th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: 213-443-3667
Email: johnshaffer@quinnemanuel.com
Stanford University, A.B. (Economics with Honors and Distinction) (1986)
University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law, J.D., Order of the Coif (1989)
Professional Career
Associate (1991-96); Shareholder, Stutman, Treister & Glatt P.C. (1996-14)
Law Clerk, Honorable Anthony M. Kennedy, U.S. Supreme Court (1990-91)
Law Clerk, Honorable Alex Kozinski, Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (1989-90)
National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, Program Advisory Committee (2009 & 2012)
National Bankruptcy Conference (2005-); Secretary (2006-2011)
Judicial Conference Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules (2000-06)
Judicial Conference Joint Subcommittees on Chapter 11 Venue, Chair (2003-05)
Ninth Circuit Advisory Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure (2006-)
Financial Lawyers Conference, Board of Governors (2004-11)
Los Angeles Bankruptcy Forum: President (2007-08); Director (2001-)
California Bankruptcy Forum, Director (2002-05)
"Creditors' Committees Under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code," 44 South Carolina Law Review 995, with Ken Klee 1993
Los Angeles Magazine Southern California SuperLawyer, (2004-)
Listed in International Who's Who of Business Lawyers, (2006-)
Listed in Best Lawyers in America, (2006-)