Edwin E. Smith
Current Position
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110-1726
Tel: 617-951-8615
Fax: 617-951-8736
Email: edwin.smith@morganlewis.com
Yale University, B.A. (1968)
Harvard University Law School, J.D. (1974)
Professional Career
Partner/Financial Institutions Area Co-Chair, Bingham McCutchen LLP (1974-2014)
Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP (2014-)
INSOL International
Joint Review Committee considering revision to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, Chair (2008-)
Uniform Certificate of Title Act, Uniform Assignment of Rents Act, Revised Uniform Liability Company Act, Drafting Committee
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Uniform Law Commissioner (1993)
Drafting Committee for revised UCC Articles 5 and 9, Amendments to Articles 3 and 4 (2002), and Amendments to Article 9, Chair (2010)
American Bar Association (1974)
Uniform Commercial Code Committee of the Business Law Section of the ABA, Past Chair
Boston Bar Association (1974)
American Law Institute, Committee on Revisions to UCC Article 9 (1989-92) (1987)
National Bankruptcy Conference (2004)
American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers, President (2002-03)
International Insolvency Institute (2007-)
Boston University, Suffolk Law School, Northeastern Law School, Harvard Law School, Teaching faculty/lecturer
Massachusetts Bar Association
New York Bar Association
"Toward Facilitating Cross-Border Secured Financing and Securitization: An Analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade," 57 The Business Lawyer 727 2002 Co-author
Collier on Bankruptcy 16th ed. Contributing author
"Additional Report of the Joint Task Force on Deposit Control Agreements," The Business Lawyer, Vol. 64 May 2009 Reporter
"The FDIC and Creditors' Rights in the Event of an Insured Bank Failure," The Banking Law Journal, Vol. 126 No. 4 Apr 2009 Co-author
"Cleansing Bankruptcy Claims," Bloomberg Corporate Law Journal, Vol. 2 2007 Co-author
MCLE QuickCheck: "Taking and Enforcing Security Interests in Personal Property," Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education, Inc. 2007 Author
"The Effect of the Uniform Certificate of Title Act on Secured Transactions," Consumer Finance Law Quarterly Report, Vol. 60 Summer 2006
"Initial Report of the Joint Task Force on Deposit Account Control Agreements," The Business Lawyer, Vol. 61 Feb 2006 Reporter
"Second Liens Highlight Potential Pitfalls in Workouts," Renaissance (Morris Anderson & Associates Ltd.) 2005
"UN Convention: Removing Troublesome Legal Barriers," ABF Journal 2003 Author
"The 2014 Amendments to the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act," 46 Uniform Commerical Code Law Journal 245 July 2015 Author
“An Updated Summary of the 2010 Amendments to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code,” 45 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 131 August 2013 Author
Secured Transactions under the Uniform Commercial Code and International Commerce Lexis/Nexis 2011 Co-author 2nd ed.
“Set-Off Issues in Derivative Transactions: the Lehman Experience,” 19 Norton Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice 485 2010
Nine Questions: Secured Debt Deals in the 21st Century Thomson/West American Casebook Series 2003 Co-author
“A Short Summary of the United Nations Convention on the Assignment of Receivables in International Trade,” 35 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 59 Summer 2002 Co-author
“The Draft UNCITRAL Convention on Assignment of Receivables in International Trade: A Summary of the Key Provisions as Completion Draws Near,” 33 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 344 Winter 2001 Co-author
“Revised UCC Article 9’s Transition Rules: Insuring a Soft Landing,” 55 The Business Lawyer 1065 and 1763 May and August 2000 Co-author
“International Secured Transactions and Revised UCC Article 9,” 74 Chicago-Kent Law Review No. 1191 1999 Co-author
"A Summary of the 2010 Amendments to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code," 42 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 345 October 2010