Prof. Charles W. Mooney, Jr.
Current Position
Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Professor of Law Emeritus
University of Pennsylvania Law School
6 Tamarack Lane
Amherst, NH 03031
Tel: 610-952-0675
Email: cmooney@law.upenn.edu
University of Oklahoma, B.A. (with High Honors) (1969)
Harvard Law School, J.D., cum laude (1972)
Professional Career
Chair, University of Pennsylvania Faculty Senate (2004-05)
Consultant, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius L.L.P. (1994-2003)
Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. Professor (2004-)
Visiting Professor of Law, University of Tokyo Faculty of Law (2009-10)
Visiting Professor of Law, Waseda University Law School (2009)
Interim Dean, University of Pennsylvania Law School (1999-00)
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of Pennsylvania Law School (1998-00; 08-09)
Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School (1990-)
Visiting Professor of Law, University of Virginia School of Law (Fall 2000)
Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center (Fall 1993)
Associate Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School (1986-90)
Partner, Shearman & Sterling, New York, New York (1981-86)
Partner/Director, Crowe & Dunlevy, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (1972-81)
The American Law Institute (1985-)
American Bar Foundation (1994-)
American College of Bankruptcy (1997-)
American College of Commercial Finance Lawyers (1992-)
Atlantic Legal Foundation, Advisory Council (1988-)
American Bar Association, Section of Business Law: Council Member (1987-1991); Committee on Uniform Commercial Code (1976-): Chair (1982-87); Chair, Subcommittee on Personal Property Leasing (1980-82)
ABA Liaison-Advisor, Permanent Editorial Board for the Uniform Commercial Code (1987-93)
Permanent Editorial Board Study Committee for the Revision of Uniform Commercial Code Article 2 (Sales) (1988-91)
Permanent Editorial Board Study Committee for the Revision of Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 (Secured Transactions), Co-reporter (1989-93)
Drafting Committee for Revision of Uniform Commercial Code, Article 9, Co-reporter (1993-98)
"Using First Principles of UCC Article 9 to Solve Statutory Puzzles in Receivables Financing," 45 Gonzaga L. Rev. forthcoming 2011 Co-author (with Steven Harris)
"Private Law and Regulation of Securities Intermediaries: Perspectives Under the Geneva Securities Convention and United States Law," 2010 Unif. L. Rev. 811 2010
"Core Issues Under the UNIDROIT (Geneva) Convention on Intermediated Securities: Views From the United States and Japan," Hart Publishing, Oxford 2010 Author (with Hideki Kanda)
"Law and Systems for Intermediated Securities and the Relationship of Private Property Law to Securities Clearance and Settlement: United States, Japan and the UNIDROIT Draft Convention," Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Discussion Paper No. 2008-E-8 May 2008
"The 'Consumer Compromise' in Revised UCC Article 9: The Shame of it All," 68 Ohio St. L. J. 215 2007
"The Unfortunate Life and Merciful Death of the Avoidance Powers Under Section 103 of the Durbin-Delahunt Bill: What Were They Thinking?" (with Harris), 25 Cardozo Law Review 1829 (2004)
"A Normative Theory of Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy As (Is) Civil Procedure," 61 Washington & Lee Law Review 931 (2004)
"Insolvency Law as Credit Enhancement:The Insolvency-Related Provisions of the Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol," 13 International Insolvency Review 27 2004
"Means Measurement Rather than Means Testing: Using the Tax System to Collect from Can-pay Consumer Debtors after Bankruptcy," Am. Bankr. Inst. J. 6 Feb 2003 (with Braucher)
"Modeling the Uniform Law 'Process': A Comment on Scott's Rise and Fall of Article 2," 62 La. L. Rev. 1081 (2002), commenting on Robert E. Scott, "The Rise and Fall of Article 2," 62 La. L. Rev. 1009 2002
"The Roles of Individuals in UCC Reform: Is The Uniform Law Process a Potted Plant? The Case of Revised UCC Article 8," 27 Okla. City Univ. L. Rev. 553 2002
Sales and Secured Financing 6th ed. 1993, Supp. 1993, 7th ed. 2001 J. Honnold, C. Reitz, S. Harris, & C. Mooney
"Revised Article 9 Meets the Bankruptcy Code: Policy and Impact," 9 Am. Bankr. Inst. L. Rev. 85 2001 with Steven L. Harris
"Extraterritorial Impact of Choice-of-law Rules for Non-United States Debtors under Revised U.C.C. Article 9 and a New Proposal for International Harmonization," Chapter 10 in M. Bridge & R. Stevens, Cross-Border Security and Insolvency, Oxford University Press 2001
Security Interests in Personal Property Foundation Press, with S. Harris 2d ed. 1992; Supp. 1999; 3d ed. 2000; 4th ed. 2006; 5th ed. 2011
"Assignments Under the UNIDROIT and UNCITRAL Draft Conventions on Mobile Equipment and Receivables Financing," 20 U. Penn. J. Int'l Econ. L. 443 1999
"How Successful was the Revision of UCC Article 9?: Reflections of the Reporters," 74 Chi. Kent L. Rev. 1357 1999 with Steven L. Harris
"Filing and Enforcement Under Revised Article 9," 54 Bus. Law. 1965 1999 with Steven L. Harris
"Judgment Proofing, Bankruptcy Policy, and the Dark Side of Tort Liability," 52 Stan. L. Rev. 73 1999
Author of numerous papers, outlines, and other materials prepared in connection with legal education programs.