Prof. Angela Littwin
Current Position
University of Texas School of Law
727 E Dean Keeton St
Austin, TX 78705-3224
Tel: 5122325561
Email: alittwin@law.utexas.edu
Harvard Law School, J.D. (1999-2002)
Brown University, A.B. (1992-1996)
The Frequency, Nature, and Effects of Coerced Debt Among a National Sample of Women Seeking Help for Intimate Partner Violence, with Adrienne Adams and McKenzie Javorka, Violence Against Women (Forthcoming).
Local Legal Culture from R2D2 to Big Data, with Robert Lawless, Texas Law Review (2018).
Adapting to BAPCPA, American Bankruptcy Law Journal (2016).
Examination as a Method of Consumer Protection, with Jean Braucher, Temple Law Review (2015).
Why Process Complaints? Then and Now, Temple Law Review, (2015).