Agustin Berdeja-Prieto
Current Position
Berdeja y Asociados, S.C.
Torre Axis
Prolongacion P. de la Reforma
Col. Paseo de las Lomas
01330 Mexico, D.F.
Tel: 52-55-2591-1100
Fax: 52-55-2591-1106
Universidad Iberoamericana, Licenciado en Derecho (1981)
Harvard University Law School, LL.M. (1984)
Professional Career
Founding Partner, Berdeja y Asociados, S.C. (1988-)
Foreign legal intern, Chadbourne & Parke (1985-86)
Foreign legal intern, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (NY) (1984-85)
International Bar Association (not active) (2003-)
International Insolvency Institute, Founding Member (2002-)
Union Internationale des Avocats (not active) (1995-)
American Bar Association (Sections of International Law and Practice, Business Law) (1990-)
Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados (1989-)
Inter-American Bar Association (not active), Senior Member (1989)
, Board of Directors Member and/or Secretary for several companies
"Derivatives and Counterparty Risk: the 'Instruments of Mass Financial Destruction'," International Insolvency Institute, Tenth Annual Conference, Rome, Italy Jun 2010 Speaker
"Mexico: Regulation of DIP Financing," American Bankruptcy Institute Journal 2008 Author
"Mexico: An 8th Anniversary Assessment of Non-Possessory Pledge Agreements," International Insolvency Institute, Eighth Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany Jun 2008 Speaker
"New Securities Market Law Passed by Congress," International Law Office 2006 Co-author
"Applicability of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles," International Law Office 2005 Co-author
"Derivatives Market Expanding," International Law Office 2004 Co-author
"Thin Capitalization Rules in Mexico: A Premier," International Law Office 2004 Co-author
The Legal Media Group Guide to the World's Leading Energy and Natural Resource Lawyers, (2007)
Euromoney Publications PLC, Guide to the World's Leading Privatization Lawyers (1997)
Euromoney Guide, World's Leading Energy and Natural Resource Lawyers (1997)
Euromoney Publications PLC, Guide to Leading Lawyers in Latin America and the Caribbean (1997)